Skin Tightening for Face |Neck | Decolletage

Laser Skin Tightening
with Exilis Ultra 
or Sublime Radiofrequency- 
in Boston & RI

Exilis Ultra & Sublime Lasers (FDA approved) are advanced devices to Tighten and Stimulate Collagen on your Face or Body.

Non-invasive skin tightening procedure
with great results.  

Collagen Induced Laser Therapy is the gold standard for preventative skin aging and restoring skin to a more youthful looking you.

If you want to slow down or repair progressiveskin laxity- outside of surgery- laser is the only way to achieve this goal.

Best of all this is a no downtime, non-invasive skin tightening procedure with great results.  

   *Results Vary Person to Person

Get Exilis Skin Tightening 
On Face, Neck, Chest, Hands, Abdomen or Legs! 

Exilis Skin Tightening Laser

Sublime Skin Tightening with 
Etwo Sublative enhanced treatment

We offer 2 Laser options to customize a treatment plan that is best for you!

Non-Invasive Skin Tightening with Exilis or Sublime Radiofrequency laser offers the maximum results to
 re-stimulate and restore collagen which tightens skin! 

Most Requested Areas for Skin Tightening:
 - Lower Face - Jawline - Neck  
 - Arms   - Abdomen  - Above Knees

What area do you need tightened?

Treatable Areas for Skin Tightening

Remember, no downtime, minimal discomfort
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Exilis Ultra Skin Tightening WORK?

This deep penetrating laser works to stimulate dormant collagen deep in the dermal layer in order to formulate new collagen growth which then plumps and tightens skin.

  • A series of 4-6 sessions spaced 1-2 weeks apart are ideal for maximal tightening.
  • Patients can expect 40-70% improvement with a series of treatments. 

It takes 3 months to see the full effect of the treatments and results can last up to 18 months.

Quarterly booster treatments are recommended to assist in          maintaining longer results.

No downtime.. 
Go right back to work! 

If your 30-40 years old Exilis is an ideal preventative treatment to maintain maximum collagen production. Do it every 3-4 months. 

If your in the 40+ age group you need a series of 3-6+ sessions spaced 1-2 weeks apart to restore collagen levels. Fine lines and wrinkles will soften and your skin will tighten again giving you a more youthful looking you!

Exilis and Sublime Skin Tightening treatments have practically no discomfort and no down time making this a must have treatment to retain and/or restore tighter skin on your face or body!

Remember, improvement happens gradually over 90 days.

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