First off, whatever you need to remember that whatever products you apply to your skin gets absorbed by your body - right down into your lymphatic system. That means everything in your skin care product inevitably becomes part of your system, inevitably. Be careful - alot of skin care products contain many toxins – including carcinogens.
Now, let's take a look at coconut oil.
About Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains a variety of natural vitamins and minerals. It also possesses both anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.
Coconut oil is edible and it's a relatively inexpensive item. It offers great healing properties and it helps you restore your skin naturally.
Great Skincare Conditions it can Help With:
1. Wrinkles
The dreaded anticipation of wrinkles. We know they're coming, so gear up with coconut oil to fight them off!
Coconut Oil has a plethora of antioxidants. Coconut oil protects your skin from the outdoor elements which break down skin cells. Add on a medical grade Vitamin A and E skincare product and you've got a rock solid foundation for collagen stimulation which helps keep your skin firm.
What about sagging skin? Coconut oil prevents skin sagging and wrinkles by maintaining the connective tissues in the skin.
How to Prepare
To fight wrinkles, you can use coconut oil as a stand-alone product or combine it with Medical Grade Vitamin A & E for best results.
2. Scars
Unfortunately, youth acne can often lead to acne scars. Discoloration and uneven pigment on your face could be embarrassing and oftentime affect one's self confidence and self-esteem.
Coconut oil’s make-up (i.e., Lauric acid, vitamin E, Capric, Caprylic acid) is a great remedy for fading scars. Add on a Medical Grade Vitamin E Skincare Product and you'll find it will speed up the healing of skin abrasions and a host of other skin injuries to the skin. As an added bonus, coconut oil prevents the formation of more scars as its strong antioxidant presence acts as a defensive barrier.
How to Prepare
Scarring can be minimized with this routine and you get a soothing effect that’s beneficial in the area applied.
Which Coconut Oil Should I Choose?
Be aware, not all coconut oil is equal. Don't put coconut cooking oil on your face!
Here are quick and easy steps to identify the coconut oil superfood that your skin needs.
Basically, there are two kinds of coconut oil, one that comes from sun-dried coconuts and the other from fresh coconuts. Coconut oil extracted from sun-dried coconut and is derived by applying very high heat. Coconut Cooking Oil has many chemicals involved in the refining process and not suitable for skin care.
The other type of coconut oil comes from the freshest of coconuts. What’s notable is that high heat isn’t used in extracting the fruit’s oil. Thus, not only does the resulting oil taste and smell a lot like coconuts, it carries the most nutrients. Dubbed unrefined coconut oil, or organic virgin coconut oil (VCO), this is the coconut oil that you should go for, as it has the most coco nutrients preserved.
Make sure you check labels to be sure it is organic or virgin.
If you’re still not sure if using coconut oil is good for your skin, try applying some on a small skin wound. You’ll be surprised how much faster the wounds will heal with regular application. Then, when your comfortable start using on a "problem area" of your face and watch the improvement.
Luckily, coconut oil has a lot to offer in the anti-inflammatory and analgesic departments. This is the reason why it’s virtually a one-stop shop for many skin irregularities, including eczema, psoriasis, acne and much more. Organic Coconut Oil has been become a staple beauty product and should definitely be added to your face care regiment.