1. Prioritize your Lifestyle: Eat Healthy, Sleep 8 hours, Drink 50-60oz of Water DAILY, and absolutely NO Smoking.
2. Preventative: Start young with Sunscreen (teach your teenagers!). Even with sunblock you will get a tan..it will just be a more gradual process.
3. Retinoid (Retin A): Your skin needs deep boosters
to keep skin cells stimulated for collagen production. It won't do it on its own! Medical Grade products is the preferred method for best penetration and depth.
4. Antioxidant Products: This helps with protecting the top layers of your skin - Our Vit C and EGF (epidermal growth factor) products is a must have. Again Medical Grade.
5. Laser Collagen Stimulation: Exilis Radiofrequency provides an excellent stimulant for deep collagen production. Ideally if you start at age 35 it keeps collagen production at its maximum potential.
6. Exfoliate! : Microdermabrasion and chemical or light laser peels keeps skin cells turning over and regenerating.
7. Eye Care: Keep crepey skin under control with Medical Grade Under Eye Cream and Exilis Laser Treatments to tighten skin. Additionally, Botox is ideal to keep skin wrinkle free when you are smiling!
8. Lifestyle...Lifestyle.. Lifestyle!
Repeat Step 1 with emphasis on water hydration. More water..plumper skin. It's that simple
Request a FREE Full Face evaluation to create a treatment plan customized for your needs.
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Have more questions?? Call us 857-288-8257
Cosmetic Laser Solutions MedSpa Wilmington, MA & Pawtucket RI