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Acne Scar Treatment - How to get rid of acne scars with laser

  • By Norma Cataldo
  • 19 Feb, 2016

In Boston and Rhode Island, Cosmetic Laser Solutions offers Laser Treatments with Fractional CO2 or Ematrix for acne scars

*Results Vary Person to Person (see discolosure information)
Acne scars are permanent indentations that are typically located on the cheeks and temple area and can come in many shapes and forms. 

These "atrophic scars" appear as depressions in the skin and can be challenging to treat. There are three types of atrophic scars:

Rolling scars: Wider than they are deep, they have more rounded, sloping edges

Ice pick scars:  Usually they are small, deeper than they are wide. Appears more like an over enlarged pore.

Boxcar scars: Typically these are wider, more rectangular type depressions.

Laser Technology has improved over the years making it possible to improve your acne scars with either Fractional CO2 or Ematrix lasers to smooth out the skin texture by stimulating the collagen beneath the skin. The Ematrix is safe for all skin types vs the Fractional C02 can only be used on a fairer complexion. Healing time varies with each device as well, so depending on your lifestyle, one device may be better suited to you than the other.  Monthly sessions are recommended until the desired repair is achieved.  Most often its 3-5 sessions or less if using the Fractional C02.

You don't have to be embarrassed by your acne scars any longer.  Take some time to come in for a consultation and find out what treatments would be the best for you. 

For more information on acne scars: READ MORE

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